目前分類:♪我愛聽的【歌詞】 (191)

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作詞:徐世珍 作曲:方木雄 編曲:Tim Ngoh 放不下

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作 詞:嚴爵

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you've been waiting so long

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이렇게 좋아도 될까요
왠지 난 불안해요
한번도 이런 적 없어요
그대가 특별해요..

사랑이 두렵진 않아요
곧 이별이 온다해도
그러나 이사랑 싫어요
더 갖고 싶으니까..

마음대로 물 흐르듯이
내맘을 맡겨봐요
하루가 지나면 하나씩
버릴게 생기거든요..

곁에 두면 생각하면 사랑하면
도저히 안될 것 같은 사랑
보낸다면 떠난다면
그때 더 사랑할 것 같아서..

불안한 사랑
그래도 이 사랑이 나는 좋아요..

나 혼자서 만나고
나 혼자 보내는
이 험한 사랑..

이토록 간절한
왠지 내게는 어울리지 않는
못된 사랑..

곁에 두면 생각하면 사랑하면
도저히 안될 것 같은 사랑
보낸다면 떠난다면
그때 더 사랑할 것 같아서..

불안한 사랑
그래도 이 사랑이 나는 좋아요..

그래서 이 사랑을 나는 붙잡아요...

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잊었니 니가 고백했던 그 말 잊었니

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Dive from the blue sky

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I got a pocket, got a pocketful of sunshine.
I got a love, and I know that it's all mine.

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一夜到黑我想著你 沒有人陪我想著你
每天我都是如此 有哪一刻會停止

失眠大概是為了你 黑眼圈就是愛上你
在夢裏都還想著 就算你要和我分離

黑夜還迎著風(我是為誰~) 人還是想不開(我是為誰~)
你還是闖進來(我是為誰~) 我的心一鎖在鎖都被敲破

人還是想不開(我是為誰~) 誰的心一鎖再鎖都被敲破我oh~
生平最大的難題 那就是愛上你

人還是想不開 我的心一鎖在鎖都被敲破
沒有用 淚還是掉下來 誰的心一鎖再鎖都被敲破我oh~

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詞:阿牧  曲:阿牧

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編曲:陳偉 / 小毛@輕鬆玩
監製:陳偉 For Take One Music

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監製:陳偉 For Take One Music

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I was her she was me
We were one we were free
And if there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
We were young we were wrong
We were fine all along
If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one

When you get to where you wanna go
And you know the things you wanna know
You're smiling
When you said what you wanna say
And you know the way you wanna play
You'll be so high you'll be flying

Though the sea will be strong
I know we'll carry on
Cos if there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one

When you get to where you wanna go
And you know the things you wanna know
You're smiling
When you said what you wanna say
And you know the way you wanna say it
You'll be so high you'll be flying

I was her she was me
We were one we were free
If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one

If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
Yeah she's the one

If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
She's the one

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